So after the first class was completed, I check my phone again. Hmmm a voice mail. So thinking that this would be a call related to buying life insurance, donating money to a campaign... carpet cleaning, I listened to the message with my finger fixed on the delete button. "Hey Esther, it's Meredith Atwood......." What??? Swim Bike Mom left a message on my phone!!!!
Who is Meredith Atwood? She is the author of "Triathlon for the Every Women," blog master of Swim Bike Mom, an Ironman, a mother, a wife, an attorney, and to me an inspiration. I remember after reading her book, I felt like I should send her a quick message! She responded back! I know that it sounds stupid, but it meant so much that I got a response. You see, when I mentioned that a triathlon might be in my future, people told me
1) You're too old.
2) You're not a runner.
3) You're not a swimmer.
4) You're not a cyclist.
5) You're overweight.
6) The sky is blue! You get the point.
In her book, she mentioned all the ups and downs including advice on how people around you could be not so supportive. Yes, it was just a simple message, but it was the message that I needed and it has taught me that the triathlon community will support one another! To me, she was my rock star.
A couple of days later (3 days to be exact) Meredith completed Ironman Coeur d'Alene. I watched online for updates throughout that day. I thought to myself, "When I grow up, I want to be Meredith Atwood." Too bad I'm older than her! Of course I had to send her a message to congratulate her!
So now that you know about Meredith, why was that phone call so important to me. Well her Army, the Swim Bike Mom army was looking for ambassadors located throughout the country. I thought, "how cool would that be," but fully aware that I was probably the most unworthy SBM member. I did it anyways and sent in my application.
I called Meredith back, she told me the news, if I wanted it... To become a Swim Bike Mom Ambassador team member for 2015. Well, I screamed and I squealed. My poor students saw their nursing instructor lose her mind. She told me about how she would provide more information later. Wow, I was awe struck, shocked and over the moon. As silly as this sounds, I cried after getting off the phone with Meredith. Why you might ask? It felt like my rock star idol picked me out of the crowd to dance with her on stage! Unworthy, uncoordinated, unfashionable but chosen. Then it hit me. I hope that I can fulfill the role to her expectations. Now came fear and fear that I will fail.
What Meredith heard when she told me the news!
When the time was right, I called Hubbers. Shared everything with him! As the calm individual that he is, he stated to me that he was proud and that I would do a great job! Again, Hubber comes through. He always has a way of making me feel better! The man who is there for me at every race! The hubby that coined the phrase "Embrace your Jiggle!" My favorite line from Hubbers was when I was freaking out before my first open water swim. "Esther, you're not there to compete, you're there to complete." Hearing positive words from Hubbers eased my fear a bit!
So I'm looking forward to the responsibilities of being a Swim Bike Mom Ambassador! Hey, without fear, without stepping outside your box, without taking that first step... you will never know what is in front of you. I hope that I can meet the challenge and be able be as awesome as my other Swim Bike Mom Ambassadors!